


Nicholas Cage
Professional Actor

Hi Gar, first of all thanks for all you help. Just as an appreciation , I have worked with the green balls for a number of years and over the last number of years have worked with the directional green ball and lately had the keepers work with the green ball reload. I have to say, all types have made a massive difference to the keepers. They have increased their distance and a couple have a very good bullet like kick but just needed that extra distance. Honestly, they have that same direct pace kick particularly using the green tee but now their distance kick has improved through regularly working with this equipment. It’s amazing when you introduce this equipment to keepers they get used to it very quick. I would definitely recommend the green ball in all formats from green balls to green ball reload. It’s important that the green balls are used regularly in continuous sessions to get the most benefits out of them. And not once every so often. Thanks a mill again Gar.🙌🙌.

Nicholas Cage
Professional Actor

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